CAMT-KENYA  has started forming many cooperatives of farmers on many bases with the purpose of feeding the hungry. From daily goats keeping, poultry keeping, vegetables and grain farming, these farmers are producing nutritional meals for the children on our bases, as well as food for our outreach projects. Not only does this supplement the bases’ operating costs, it also helps provide jobs for the locals.


The diversity of the farming methods gives our people the freedom to produce a variety of food and helps us  implement different projects.

May the seeds we sow bless the soil of Kenya and may the earth produce more than enough to feed the hungry as the Lord shows himself to the lost!

–In James 1:27, the Lord instructs us to care for the widow and the orphan in their distress. We believe this includes physical, as well as spiritual, needs.

In Ezekiel 47:12, it talks of the trees on the banks, watered from Heavens sanctuary. They will produce every month their fruit, its leaves are for healing and they will not wither!


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