Mission Outreach and Evangelism

Our love for Jesus compels us to love others as he commands and to honor Him in all that we do. CAMT-KENYA is  thus a ministry informed by the Christian Gospel of Preaching the good news to all the nations (Matthew 28:18-19), but also demonstrating the humanness of Christ and his nature of being on earth with the Physical body. Jesus Christ was performing acts of mercy, Love, Peace, feeding the hungry, and giving wholeness to peoples’ body.

Our philosophy for outreach and evangelism is not one of duty, and we don’t have a formula. Missions is our joy, the simple, logical outcome of knowing Jesus. We simply respond to every window of opportunity to share the gospel; that may take us across the Cities, streets, to a remote village or around the world. We believe God can and will make a way for us.

We obey His leading to reach people with every resource available to us: motor bikes, matatus, airplanes, trucks, overcoming faith, limitless love and joyful energy. We travel to encourage our fellow mission team members and find out what their needs are and assist the churches to provide for the needs of the people in these communities. We meet their immediate needs of food and general health care. We minister creatively to meet the holistic community’s needs whether it be building schools, churches, housing or health camps and clinics. The most exciting part of outreach is witnessing what Jesus does among the people as He miraculously heals, delivers and sets captives free(luke 4:18-19).

( Below  is  Heart  Of  Worship Kenya during one of our worship experience)


support this project: www.camtkenyaministry.org/donate/ or send your support directly to our PayPal accountscamtkenyaministry@gmail.com or Bank deposit at  Kenya Commercial Bank: ACCT NAME: CHRIST AMBASSADORS MISSION TEAM(CAMT-KENYA CBO), ACCT NO: 1181574315,SWIFT CODE: KCBLKENX, BANK CODE: 01, BRANCH CODE: 116.