By demonstrating the kindness to the Elderly and Widow ,CAMT-KENYA believes that is a great ministry towards honoring the great commission.

We express the heart of the Father to widowed and abandoned women.

“True religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation” (James. 1:27).

Our goal is to minister to women and help them mature emotionally, spiritually vocationally and socially. We invest into these women’s lives and help them discover who they are in Christ, discover what plans God has for them, to grow in their talents, and grow in their relationship with God. We train them on  a variety of vocational skills, provide food and clothing, assist them in finding an outlet for the sale of goods produced and teach small business principles. Their lives are being enriched through education and encouragement by being knit into our family. They appreciate the wider family structure we cultivate since many are widowed, abandoned, separated or on their own with children. We do all this because we love them with the love of God who is “a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows … He sets the lonely in families” (Ps. 8:5-6).

As a mission we aim to bless the wider community by teaching vocational skills to women and also by purchasing fabric and goods required for the skills locally. Goods are produced for the children of our centers, our outreach villages, and for others within the community whom we assist.

Our goal is to teach, develop skills learned, assist in finding an outlet for the sale of goods produced, assist in continuing learning with literacy, writing, mathematics, and small business principles, offering opportunities for students to become independent workers and highly proficient in the field of sewing. For those not so inclined to sewing, we have been able to offer opportunity for employment in different fields of work. We also teach general health, art, etc. with the assistance of visiting guests who are health workers, artists and others who offer their skills to teach our female students.

We practice mercy, love and grace as Jesus taught, and give out blessings to each woman. They receive food and clothing as well as offerings to assist with health, family deaths, family situations, robberies and the like. We are generous in our offerings of assistance dependent on our finances and the donations we receive.

To partner with us ( and support this project: or send your support directly to our PayPal or Bank deposit at  Kenya Commercial Bank: ACCT NAME: CHRIST AMBASSADORS MISSION TEAM(CAMT-KENYA CBO), ACCT NO: 1181574315,SWIFT CODE: KCBLKENX, BANK CODE: 01, BRANCH CODE: 116.