” Building a Sure Foundation for the next Generation of Christian Faith and Establishing the Church Missionary Activity ” – (1Peter 2:4-10).

It is time for the Church to move to the next level of Christian Faith and Development through Spiritual nurture and Education. Jesus Christ is the model on whom all faith is built for all generations. We must therefore study the life and virtues of Christ and embed his values to our children. Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone, and only Him who can give shape to our life pattern and structure of our Christian Faith. He himself demonstrated Love and Care to the flock. The flock here goes beyond those already in the Church ; but it extends pastoral care to those in the world, the needs of humanity and all creation.

Christ want us, the faithful to refocus our Faith in him and participate in Creating Change. Our Lord Jesus Christ inaugurated a Kingdom that demonstrated Justice, Peace and Equity. Therefore, we are called to be partakers of said Kingdom and seek to show concern to the oppressed and to the poor. The Church is therefore a Vehicle for Social transformation through Faith Education based on Jesus Christ the Lord and the Chief Shepherd.


Our partners play an important role in the development of our program and the unique opportunities provided to our large network of CAMT-KENYA delegates from around the world. We have collaborated with Missions For Hope -USA under the leadership of Amb.Debra Whitesell in running our programs as our major partner. CAMT-KENYA MISSION TEAM is proud to work and collaborate with notable organizations and individual Ambassadors who share our mission of empowering people in our communities by raising a generation of champion leaders and mentoring our young people to become active leaders and change-makers in their community.

  1. DELEGATION AND AMBASSADORS PARTNERS: Bring a delegation from your country: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) ,Religious institutions, University students and other reputable groups or entities are able to play larger roles in the fulfillment of our CAMT-KENYA Missions Goals and Programs.
  2. PROGRAM PARTNERS: Take an active role in our programs: CAMT-KENYA MISSION CENTRE is open to session proposals for our conferences and delegate packages. Civil society/advocacy groups or organizations that help empower individuals through capacity building or interested in engaging communities through their work are invited to submit proposals. Due to high interest, only proposals under review for further consideration will be contacted. Email us through camtkenyaministry@gmail.com.

CAMT-KENYA will offer various benefits to students from various oversees universities, bible school students, churches and local youths and community at large. CAMT-KENYA has already begun its programs and is on progress but we have to rent rooms at a relatively very higher price and as well we rely on well-wishers donations to keep our programs going. The following are the benefits and opportunities to reap from CAMT-KENYA mission center i.e CAMT-KENYA Holistic Development projects:


 Introduction Overview:

CAMT-KENYA looks for liberation among the broken, humble and lowly   as recorded in the book of (Luke 4:18-19) . CHRIST AMBASSADORS MISSION TEAM OF KENYA is a ministry whose values are founded on Christian Faith. Our policy is that we are not a Church institution but a Ministry oriented to missionary activities .We are open to all denominations for Mission activities, family and women empowerment, children ministry and empowerment for Youth Leadership skills. Therefore, the society is informed by the Christian Gospel of Preaching the good news to all the nations (Matthew 28:18-19), but also demonstrating the humanness of Christ and his nature of being on earth with the Physical body. Jesus Christ was performing acts of mercy, Love, Peace, feeding the hungry, and giving wholeness to peoples’ body. CAMT-KENYA  is thus an instrument of Christ’s Missionary work on earth with the purpose of restoration of all creation to God. However, it is important to note that we are not a Church institution but we are an independent Ministry which collaborates with all institutions of like-minded mission for the good of the people and for glory of God.

It all starts with ministry to the poor. God chooses the weak and despised things of the world to shame the proud, demonstrating His own strength and wisdom. CAMT-KENYA aims to release the power of the Holy Spirit and give resources of God’s Kingdom to reach every need in an holistic way.ie. Social-emotional, physical needs, spiritual needs and Economically.

These needs are great, but our God is greater. With excitement and joy we aim beyond what we imagine doing in our own strength. We find that we cannot just be a rehabilitation centre, a talent academy, a prayer centre, a church, a Bible school, or a humanitarian aid organization. We cannot just hold bone fire conferences, plant churches or missions and build teams of heart of worship. We cannot just specialize in education and technical assistance. We, as a worldwide international family, must embrace all of the above, and more. For us Liberation includes relief and holistic development with a difference. We trust God and aim for His glory in everything. We are after the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth.

When facing great human need with our human frailties, we rapidly reach the limits of our resources, wisdom and love. We face overwhelming poverty, sickness, demonic attacks and every kind of evil. We do not shy away from the poor, the sick, the abused, the abandoned or the despised but, run into the darkness looking to share Christ’s human nature and His love and power because it is the power of God that gives hope. We have learned that love without power is incomplete and ineffectual; we release God’s love in practical ways infused with His power.

His presence inhabiting a community takes the shape of homes, schools, prayer centre, water for life projects, food, family, adoption, fellowship, miracles, fun — the full spectrum of life in God! CAMT-KENYA has developed a variety of outreaches to begin to meet the needs of our community. We operate Bible schools to help equip local ministers. We have launched water for life programs to bring clean and safe water and spiritual drink to thirsty people. We have many feeding programs, health promotional camps and clinics, hands of mercy projects, University goes to the village educational programs, Mission to prisons and to elderly, leadership and vocational training programs, peace  missions and building initiatives and Mission trips and outreaches. Through these ministries we are seeing God do glorious wonders.


(a)  To share the humanitarian aspects of the Christian Gospel through acts of service to the people around us.

(b)To arrange seminars, conferences, symposia, workshops and congresses for community holistic development.

(c) To impart Training to the Youth and children, Artists on Talents, entrepreneurship, Technology and arrange to issue License and certification.

(d) To encourage the growth of friendly relationships, advocate for peace, Justice and Unity for a harmonious co-existence of our multi-ethnic society.

(e) To provide information, guidance and consultation regarding activities related to the global Christian Mission.

(f) To establish decentralized units/offices in various parts of the country for expansion and networking purposes with other communities of Kenya.

(g) Generally, to do all such other lawful acts, deeds or things as are incidental, conducive to attainment of any/or all the above aims & objects of the society.

Mission statement:

  • To reach out with the gospel through fellowship, evangelism and discipleship ,Global community development volunteer services,mission conferences and other outreach mission and hence  CONNECTING THE WORLD FOR MISSION through the spreading and expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. Therefore, this mission statement empowers our society to reach out to the neighbors and share the joy we have witnessed in Christ


CHRIST AMBASSADORS MISSION TEAM OF KENYA remains committed towards “Proclaiming the Risen Christ to the Unbelieving World”.This Vision defines the nature of life the society looks forward to see at the end of times. The society Vision is to see a People who have conquered the world pressures and evil and enjoying abundant life in Christ. Vision of the CAMT-KENYA. We are in a mission of Raising generation of champions. A mature, vibrant and caring community of faith transforming the nations with the gospel of Christ by way of “Proclaiming the Risen Christ to the Unbelieving World”. . We are out on a journey of transforming people from hopelessness to hope thereby raising a People who have conquered the world pressures and evil and enjoying abundant life in Christ.

Core values

  1. We embrace Integrity and respect other people’s dignity and diversity
  2. Excellence
  3. Stewardship
  4. Accountability
  5. Mutual respect
  6. We believe in innovations and Commitment to serving God and Humanity.


Our goal is CONNECTING THE WORLD FOR MISSION through the spreading and expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. Therefore, this section empowers our society to reach out to the neighbors and share the joy we have witnessed in Christ.


  1. CHRIST CENTRED:- Our love for Jesus compels us to love others as he commands and to honor Him in all that we do.Therefore, the society is informed by the Christian Gospel of Preaching the good news to all the nations (Matthew 28:18-19), but also demonstrating the humanness of Christ and his nature of being on earth with the Physical body. Jesus Christ was performing acts of mercy, Love, Peace, feeding the hungry, and giving wholeness to peoples’ body.
  2. CHILD AND YOUTH FOCUSED:- Speaking up for the most vulnerable and needy children, youth and families.
  3. FAITH BASED:- The church is the greatest hope for the world and is God’s instrument to advance the kingdom of God.


Projects includes:

–         Missionary Bible School

–          Discipleship Program

–         Mission Outreach and Evangelism

–         Skills for Life Vocational Training Program

–         Rescue Missions

–         University goes to the village Education program

–         Hands of mercy programs

–         Relief Ministry

–         Health promotion

–         Mission to prison

–         Medical camps & Clinics

–         Ministry to Elderly and window

–          Mission Trips to Kenya Africa


–         Water for life project


History of  CAMT-KENYA:

  • Christ Ambassadors Mission Team of Kenya was started by a group of 15 young devoted Christians on August 21, 2006 during an interdenominational prayer and fasting mission in a cave of Kavue of the cosmopolitan margins of  Kavengero Mbeere North in Embu county Kenya.
  • We evangelized with the first 15 youth who had accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and we empowered many other youths for mission through discipleship classes.
  • Many youth were evangelized and joined the other 15 and became 35. This group has been growing each year and has now recruited members from other denominations for fellowships, singing, Global community development volunteer programs, Missions and worship.
  • The current membership of CAMT-KENYA is about 500.
  • Members of the Mission Team are pastors from different denominations and different counties, students in Public Universities, colleges, high schools, Military men and women from various African communities and middle schools as well.
  • CAMT-KENYA Later opened branches in the marginalized areas of Narok maasai land in order to meet the core mission of reaching out to more youth and raising them to a generation of champions and as well empowering communities.
  • Members of CAMT-KENYA are highly talented in singing and making drama. When we started the team , we saw the need to empower the youth to realize their potential in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ both in the church and in the communities in Mbeere and beyond.
  • CAMT-KENYA has a role to train young people on leadership, worship, Christian rites of passage program(CROPP) and discipleship classes. The members meet once every month to learn about leadership so that there will be good continuity in the Team.
  • The team is very active in evangelism especially to markets and towns in Mbeere-Kenya and other parts of country.
  • The Mission Team is committed to moulding behaviour and character of the youth in the society to have a peaceful environment of growth. During the training, the youth are awarded certificate of training and participation.
  • CAMT-KENYA has a responsibility to advocate for children’s rights, good governance, a healthy life for the youth and children in Mbeere community of Kenya and other parts of the country.
  • The team organize rallies and conferences to preach about anti-FGM, children’s rights, freedom from drugs and substance abuse which mostly affect education and learning.
  • CAMT-KENYA has children program and among the children in the program we have identified 300 needy children  who either lack basic needs or do not have parents but live with their grandparents in the poor homes. This number is growing day by day. We carry out discipleship program and mentorship to various churches and NGOs AND institutions dealing with children where we aim at transforming the lives of children into a responsible Godly young generation.
  • The mission Team visits these children at churches, homes and schools where they share with them the Love of Christ and his words.
  • In August 2013, CAMT-KENYA launched their dream to build a home for orphans and a kindergarten class. Each Child needs USD. 80 per month for food, clothes, school fees and books.
  • We have partnered with like minded organizations such as MISSIONS FOR HOPE C- USA Under the leadership of Amb.Debra Whitesell ,Operation Christmas Child(Samaritan purse OCC),Robert sherbody(USA),Tubebane foundation, Scripture Union,Jesus Glory church ministry, potters ministry, by grace ministry, Anglican church of Kenya, Ruthehellen Davision  N.H  USA , Interim Electoral commission of Kenya , Royal Media services and Amani club Kenya(Mashaka Tosha theatre)
  • We later got official registration as a none-profit making Community Based organization in the year 2016 and launched our website camtkenyaministry.org in the year 2017.

Current state of the CAMT-KENYA:

Since 2006 CAMT-KENYA membership has risen to 500 members with 12 Volunteer staff members involved in day to day activities of the Ministry. CAMT-KENYA is actively involved in Missions, Youth and children ministry, Global Community Development Volunteer Exchange Program, Peace and Mediation program, Economic empowerment program, Women Ministry, Widows and orphans support program, environmental conservation program and leadership development training .

CAMT-KENYA has opened branches in the marginalized maasai community of Ololulung Narok,Ongata Rongai Kajiado county, Kitui ,Siakago in mbeere north and kavengero and hope to open more across the country.

Achievements over the past five years

  1. CAMT-KENYA has been able to plant 5 daughter Mission branches in the marginalized maasai community of Ololulung Narok,Ongata Rongai Kajiado county, Kitui ,Narok Siakago in mbeere north and kavengero and hope to open more across the country.
  2. We have been fully involved in outreach and global missions and conferences i.e.crusades, youth conferences
  3. CAMT-KENYA has successfully networked and  partnered with organizations such as; compassion International  in children’s ministry,  scripture union, Missions for hope among others.
  4. CAMT-KENYA has been on the forefront in environmental conservation i.e. tree planting
  5. We are leading in child advocacy within the locality and in the marginalized communities where we have our branches.
  6. We have successfully engaged the community in economic empowerment programmes i.e. life skills such as tailoring, hair dressing, computer training ,table banking initiative, Training emerging leaders on civic education , holistic development  initiatives and micro financing.
  7. CAMT-KENYA has embraced modern technology and use of modern worship instruments in services
  8. We are also involved in the fight against HIV AIDS and Retrogressive cultures such as FGM
  9. CAMT-KENYA is engaged in Leadership development in the community i.e. pastors meetings, stakeholders meetings, Christian leadership parliament for our sponsored beneficiaries
  10. We have been able to support education for the needy and vulnerable members of the community.